This page shows how you can use widget “User Variables” to display details about the Agent that the lead is assigned to.
Or, the Agents details can be displayed using the Agents Referral ID as a parameter set in the URL or JavaScript.
If the lead is not registered then Agents will be randomly shown.
Here’s an example.
How It’s Done
Here is the widget code showing you how this the agent details are displayed.
As mentioned above, the actual values displayed will depend on whether or not the Agent Referral ID has been set.
For WordPress:
User variables are not available as shortcodes, you must use HTML in WordPress as shown below:
For HTML:<div style="width:175px">
<span class=”mbb-AgentPhoto”></span>
<span class=”mbb-AgentName” style=”font-weight:700;”></span><br />
<span class=”mbb-AgentCompany”></span><br />
<span class=”mbb-AgentAddress”></span> <span class=”mbb-AgentAddress2″></span><br />
<span class=”mbb-AgentCity”></span>, <span class=”mbb-AgentState”></span> <span class=”mbb-AgentZip”></span><br />
Phone: <span class=”mbb-AgentMobile”></span><br />
<a class=”mbb-AgentEmailLink” href=”#”><span class=”mbb-AgentEmail”></span></a>