Area Page

This page shows examples of combining multiple Buying Buddy widgets to create hyperlocal or other specialized pages to demonstrate your local knowledge and experience.
Although in this example, we are focused on the city of Arvada, all the local MLS criteria are available so that you can create pages that reflect any listings from your MLS such as: homes on lakes, homes in a subdivision or area, homes with mountain views, new construction homes, condos, etc.
Scroll to the bottom of the page to see the widgets codes used on this page.
Homes for Sale in Arvada
NOTE: These “custom search links” are easy to create. We have a Wizard system to help you create these – no technical skills needed!
Million Dollar Homes in Arvada
NOTE: This is a “Gallery/Grid” display widget configured to be a Carousel, that has a filter applied to it so that it only displays homes for sale in City of Arvada over $1million. We have a Wizard system to help you create these – no technical skills needed!
Homes in Leyden Ranch West Sub Division
NOTE: This is a “Map” display widget that has a polygon shape filter applied to it. We have a Wizard system to help you create these – no technical skills needed!
Lead Capture Form
Arvada Homes with Mountain Views
NOTE: This is a “List” display widget that has a filter applied to it so that it only displays homes for sale in City of Arvada with mountain views. We have a Wizard system to help you create these – no technical skills needed!
How It’s Done
Here is the widget code showing you how this display is generated.
The Property Display WIZARD in your Account lets you use an easy-to-use MLS search form to automatically generate these code snippets!
Custom Search Links
These links are the same for all platforms. All links go to – in each case the filter is added:
/results?filter=mls_id:demo+city:arvada&limit=10&order=create_dt desc”
/results?filter=mls_id:demo+city:arvada+price_max:350000&limit=10&order=create_dt desc”
/results?filter=mls_id:demo+city:arvada+price_min:350000+price_max:500000&limit=10&order=create_dt desc”
/results?filter=mls_id:demo+city:arvada+price_min:500000+price_max:1000000&limit=10&order=create_dt desc”
/results?filter=mls_id:demo+city:arvada+price_min:1000000&limit=10&order=create_dt desc”
For WordPress:
Million Dollar Homes In Arvada (Gallery Carousel display)
[mbb_widget id="MBBv3_FeaturedGallery" filter="mls_id:demo+carousel:true+city:arvada+price_min:1000000+limit:6"]
Homes in Leyden Ranch West Sub Division (Map display)
[mbb_widget id="MBBv3_InteractiveMap" filter="shapesearch:39.85441086976071 -105.18602371215815,39.8505891376064 -105.17709732055658,39.85012787968049 -105.1653385162353,39.84696488469558 -105.16559600830072,39.843142737988344 -105.16576766967768,39.842681430030844 -105.1706600189209,39.842681430030844 -105.18001556396484,39.844592542821 -105.18533706665033,39.85368607484111 -105.19512176513666,39.85744174740699 -105.19125938415522,39.85441086976071 -105.18602371215815+mls_id:demo" style="height:400px;"]
Lead Capture Form
[mbb_widget id="MBBv3_LcForm" filter="form:cmashort+labelcolor:#ffffff+textcolor:#ffffff+backgroundpanel:127,127,127,1+formname:CMA request+title:Do You Know What Your Home Is Worth?+description:Values have increased in your area. Find out how much your home is worth now!"]
Arvada Homes with Mountain Views (List display)
[mbb_widget id="MBBv3_FeaturedList" filter="mls_id:demo+city:arvada+view:mo+limit:6+order:create_dt desc]
Million Dollar Homes In Arvada (Gallery Carousel display)
<div id=”MBBv3_FeaturedGallery” filter=”mls_id:demo+carousel:true+city:arvada+price_min:1000000+limit:6″></div>
Homes in Leyden Ranch West Sub Division (Map display)
<div id=”MBBv3_InteractiveMap” filter=”shapesearch:39.85441086976071 -105.18602371215815,39.8505891376064 -105.17709732055658,39.85012787968049 -105.1653385162353,39.84696488469558 -105.16559600830072,39.843142737988344 -105.16576766967768,39.842681430030844 -105.1706600189209,39.842681430030844 -105.18001556396484,39.844592542821 -105.18533706665033,39.85368607484111 -105.19512176513666,39.85744174740699 -105.19125938415522,39.85441086976071 -105.18602371215815+mls_id:demo” style=”height:550px;”></div>
Lead Capture Form
<divid=”MBBv3_LcForm” filter=”form:cmashort+labelcolor:#ffffff+textcolor:#ffffff+backgroundpanel:127,127,127,1+formname:CMA request+title:Do You Know What Your Home Is Worth?+description:Values have increased in your area. Find out how much your home is worth now!”></div>
Arvada Homes with Mountain Views (List display)
<div id=”MBBv3_FeaturedList” filter=”mls_id:demo+city:arvada+view:mo+limit:6+order:create_dt desc”></div>
<div id="MBBv3_FeaturedGallery" filter="mls_id:demo+office_id:REM80"></div>