
Office Listings

This page shows off the Office’s listings using the Gallery Display Widget.

In this example, properties are filtered to only show listings with the Office MLS ID, displaying 6 at a time. All active listings for this office will be displayed.

Check out the widget code at the bottom of the page to see how this is done.

How It’s Done

Here is the widget code showing you how this display is generated.

The Property Display WIZARD in your Account lets you use an easy-to-use MLS search form to automatically generate these code snippets!

For WordPress:

[mbb_widget id="MBBv3_FeaturedGallery" filter="mls_id:demo+office_id:REM80+limit:6"]


<div id=”MBBv3_FeaturedGallery” filter=”mls_id:demo+office_id:REM80+limit:6″></div>