
Gallery Display

The standard Gallery Display widget, using various filters for different results and effects, is shown below.

City of Arvada Properties under 350,000 – as a Carousel

Million Dollar Homes in the city of Arvada

Properties in the city of Arvada in a Cul-de-Sac

Recently listed properties in the city of Arvada

Single Column of Recently listed properties in the city of Arvada

How It’s Done

Here is the widget code showing you how this display is generated.

The Property Display WIZARD in your Account gives you an easy-to-use MLS search form to automatically generate these code snippets!

For WordPress:

City of Arvada Properties under 350,000 – as a Carousel
[mbb_widget id="MBBv3_FeaturedGallery" filter="carousel:true+city:arvada+price_max:350000"]

Million Dollar Homes in the city of Arvada
[mbb_widget id="MBBv3_FeaturedGallery" filter="mls_id:demo+city:arvada+price_min:1000000+limit:9+order:create_dt desc"]

Properties in the city of Arvada in a Cul-de-Sac
[mbb_widget id="MBBv3_FeaturedGallery" filter="mls_id:demo+city:arvada+inclusions:cu+limit:3+order:create_dt desc"]

Recently listed properties in the city of Arvada
[mbb_widget id="MBBv3_FeaturedGallery" filter="mls_id:demo+city:arvada+limit:6+order:create_dt desc"]

Single Column of Recently listed properties in the city of Arvada
[mbb_widget id="MBBv3_FeaturedGallery" filter="mls_id:demo+city:arvada+limit:3+order:create_dt desc" style="max-width:300px"]


City of Arvada Properties under 350,000 – as a Carousel
<div id="MBBv3_FeaturedGallery" filter="mls_id:demo+carousel:true+city:arvada+price_max:350000"></div>

Million Dollar Homes in the city of Arvada
<div id="MBBv3_FeaturedGallery" filter="mls_id:demo+city:arvada+price_min:1000000+limit:9+order:create_dt desc"></div>

Properties in the city of Arvada in a Cul-de-Sac
<div id="MBBv3_FeaturedGallery" filter="mls_id:demo+city:arvada+inclusions:cu+limit:3+order:create_dt desc"></div>

Recently listed properties in the city of Arvada
<div id="MBBv3_FeaturedGallery" filter="mls_id:demo+city:arvada+limit:6+order:create_dt desc"></div>

Single Column of Recently listed properties in the city of Arvada
<div id="MBBv3_FeaturedGallery" filter="mls_id:demo+city:arvada+limit:3+order:create_dt desc" style="max-width:300px"></div>