E.g. Custom Form with Hidden Fields
Search with Agent ID = 318092 as a hidden field
[easyembed field=”simple-form”]
This directs to a special ‘results’ page where we hide the agent ID criteria badges so they cannot be removed.
E.g. Quick Search Link
(a) Here is a Quick Search Link directing to the same special results page:
The special RESULTS page CSS stops a user from removing the Agent ID or Office ID criteria.
See, and then search within, an Agents Listings (where Agent ID is 318092)
See, and then search within, Office listings (where Office ID is REM80)
(b) Also, here is an example going to different results page where there is no special CSS to hide the badges. In this case, a user COULD remove the criteria.
See, and then search within, an Agents Listings (where Agent ID is 318092)
See, and then search within, Office listings (where Office ID is REM80)
How It’s Done
On the /results2 page, we use the standard Results Widget. Agent ID and Office ID are normally maintained. But, we also load some additional CSS on the /results2 page to hide the ‘criteria’ badges (so they cannot be removed) and the ‘new search’ button.
.bfg-criteria-office-id, .bfg-criteria-agent-id, .results-new-search {display:none !important;}